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NIH Licensing Opportunity: New Dose Calibrator for Radioactive Tracers in Biodistribution Studies


This webinar already occurred on May 23, 2018 but a recording can be watched below:

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NIH Licensing Opportunity:
New Dose Calibrator for Radioactive Tracers in Biodistribution Studies

One Million Solutions in Health™ has established a one-of-a-kind partnership with the United States’ National Institutes of Health Office of Technology Transfer (NIH-OTT) and the National Cancer Institute Technology Transfer Center (NCI-TTC) to increase awareness and understanding of NIH technologies by potential partners in the life science and healthcare industries.

This provides you with a front-row seat to hear about new technology and science from various scientists at the NIH. This is also your opportunity to participate in our proprietary Signature Square™ process, where end-users can evaluate the technology, ask questions and provide feedback directly to the scientist.

New Dose Calibrator for Radioactive Tracers in Biodistribution Studies that Can Increase Accuracy 10-Fold

This webinar introduced a ground-breaking new dose calibrator for radioactive tracers in biodistribution studies that has the potential to advance the technology to a new level of sensitivity, accuracy and range for small radiation doses.

– A micro-dose calibrator is designed to improve radiation dose measurements used in pre-clinical in-vivo and ex-vivo radiopharmaceutical drug development studies.

–  Using the patented concept of a segmented well counter, the radiation measurement upper limits hindering the use of a standard single crystal well counter have been eliminated.

–  The current research into this new technology will be presented by Dr. Adler who has built a fully operational 8 crystal segment micro-dose calibrator to test his invention.

The results of his work will show the potential for the technology to improve accuracy and efficiency of the work done at the pre-clinical phase of radiopharmaceutical drug discovery.

This is an opportunity to LICENSE THIS TECHNOLOGY, or participate in further collaborative work to enhance its development

The Signature Square process is part of our Consortium infrastructure. Current member companies in the Technology Evaluation Consortium and SafeTEC include organizations like AstraZeneca, AbbVie, Amgen and Allergan, along with many others, including scientists, clinicians and investors in organizations around the world who help to evaluate this technology.

This is an opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback directly to the scientists by taking part in this Signature Square program.

Stephen Adler, PHD.
Medical Imaging Scientist
Clinical Monitoring Research Program
Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research
National Institutes of Health
Dawn Van Dam
Executive Director & CEO
One Million Solutions in Health™