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NEW Stroke TECHNOLOGY: Monitoring SpO2 in clinical trials pre/post administration of treatment using unique genetic markers


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NEW Stroke TECHNOLOGY: Monitoring SpO2 in clinical trials pre/post administration of treatment using unique genetic markers

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LIVE EVENT for EVERYONE. The recording will only be available for Technology Evaluation Consortium™ members.

Are you a pharma or biotech industry member?

The Signature Square™ program has been designed by the industry, for the industry.

It is your opportunity to evaluate and provide feedback on an exclusive, one-of-a-kind technology that has the potential to increase the efficiency of physiological monitoring of oxygen in post-stroke patients. This technology uses personalized genetic markers to non-invasively increase the sensitivity and efficacy of the monitoring in patients. 

Current member companies in the Signature Square program include organizations like Pfizer, AbbVie, Amgen and Janssen, along with many others.

However, on a trial basis, we are allowing new industry participants, and other scientists, clinicians and organizations, to evaluate this technology and take part in this webinar entitled “Monitoring SpO2 in clinical trials pre/post administration of treatment using unique genetic markers” on Tuesday, August 25th at 11am EST.

Applications of this technology for the biopharmaceutical industry include:

Drug monitoring and clinical trials:

– Prediction of onset of acute events

– Increasing the efficiency of the drug development process

By attending, you will have the opportunity to listen to a 60-minute presentation on the technology, ask questions, and evaluate the technology (anonymously).

Be a part of this exclusive webinar by clicking HERE.


Katerina Fomicheva SPEAKER: Katerina Fomicheva

Principal Senior Investigator

Jerichons, LLC


President & CEO

One Million Solutions in Health™