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All posts by OMSIH

NIH Licensing Opportunity: Breakthrough Science to Treat Colon Cancer and Glioblastoma

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Final Call: Licensing Opportunity in Treating Colon Cancer and Glioblastoma from the #NIH. Check it out and REGISTER NOW: https://bit.ly/nih-cancer

NIH Licensing Opportunity: Breakthrough Science to Treat Colon Cancer and Glioblastoma

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#NIH Licensing Opportunity: Dr. Zhuang and Dr. Wang Present Breakthrough Science to Treat Colon Cancer and Glioblastoma– Register for this WEBINAR https://bit.ly/nih-cancer

NIH Licensing Opportunity: Breakthrough Science to Treat Colon Cancer and Glioblastoma

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Breakthrough #NIH #webinar: Science to Treat Colon Cancer and Glioblastoma . Register Here –> https://bit.ly/nih-cancer

NIH Licensing Opportunity: Breakthrough Science to Treat Colon Cancer and Glioblastoma

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Join us as Dr. Zhuang and Dr. Wang from the #NIH Present Breakthrough Science to Treat Colon Cancer and Glioblastoma. Register Here –> https://bit.ly/nih-cancer

NIH Licensing Opportunity: Breakthrough Science to Treat Colon Cancer and Glioblastomae

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Licensing Opportunity in Treating Colon Cancer and Glioblastoma from the #NIH. Check it out and REGISTER NOW: https://bit.ly/nih-cancer

Is Social Media the Key to Enhancing the Patient Experience?

The abundance of information and technology that is readily available has upgraded health care. Researchers are actively searching to find ways to improve patient care, but have they overlooked a simple fix? Social media, which often gets a bad rep, is where a large majority of people choose to communicate their issues and stories. Can social media data be just as valuable to the health care industry as data obtained in a lab? To find out more about the impact social media can have on healthcare, we encourage you to read this article.

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.synthesio.com

There’s no denying that the quality of health care has improved with time. Researchers constantly seek ways to better understand health conditions and enhance treatment. However, even with so many advancements, there are still faults in the methods of care that healthcare workers perform. In health care, we expect the next advancement to be from new technology, but what if a new approach to treatment could have the same impact?


Social media, often used for leisure or marketing purposes, is a great tool for improving the patient experience. Carmen Yeung of Synthesio states that patient feedback on treatment and medical journeys can be beneficial to both patients and pharmaceutical companies. Patients’ voices are heard, and pharmaceutical companies can alter their products or offer the proper support as needed. Many patients are turning to social media to paint the picture of their experiences.


To analyze social media’s potential impact on health care, Synthesio, a social media analytics company, reviewed data from the social media accounts of patients diagnosed with cancer. The data showed the importance of direct feedback from patients. This information is highly valuable since it is rarely shared with medical professionals and/or companies. Yeung also mentions that it is important to pay attention to information patients provide in threads on support websites in addition to common social media sites; many patients feel more comfortable discussing different parts of their medical journey on different platforms. The data obtained also confirmed the use of different platforms being used to document different parts of a patient’s medical journey. Research indicates that of the cancer experience, support was the least mentioned topic on social media.


To ensure a positive patient experience, the focus needs to be on understanding the needs of the patient. The healing process should focus on two major aspects: the treatment of the actual condition or disease and the mental impact of having an illness. Keeping this in mind, medical professionals can change their approach to treatment. More people are looking for solutions online, so it would be beneficial to pay attention to those trends. Doctors can alter the dynamics of a visit by discussing some of the most frequently asked questions or common concerns patients may have. In return, this can improve the doctor and patient relationship, while also making patients feel more comfortable.


Paying attention to patients’ feelings surrounding the process of treatment can help them feel like they’re not just subjects, but people. In addition, this level of communication can increase the potential for personalized treatment in the future. For more information regarding the use of social media to improve the patient experience, visit the source information at the Synthesio website.


One Million Solutions in Health is a great place to stay up-to-date on health care information. We focus on trends, innovative technology, and all things in between to create conversation and find solutions. To learn more, please contact us at info(at)onemillionsolutionsinhealth.org.