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New Way to Accelerate Drug Development: Human Microtumor Assay System



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New Way to Accelerate Drug Development: Human Microtumor Assay System



This webinar has already taken place. However, you can watch a recording of it below.
Originally aired on October 23, 2014

This webinar presented t a novel technology that enables cells to survive, organize, and function outside the body. The speakers discussed the potential of using HuBiogel™ in the areas of drug discovery, oncology, and tissue engineering.

The first-ever fully human 3-D biomatrix system will solve important problems in drug discovery.

Drug discovery and development programs represent a complex and challenging path where de-risking new chemical or biological entities are tested through in vitro systems prior to committing to long-term and expensive animal modeling. Vivo Biosciences’ 3-D microtumor assay creates patient-derived tumor models, which streamline the drug discovery process by reducing time and costs.

HuBiogel™ will also allow for better go or no-go decisions by biotech and pharmaceutical companies.

Outside of drug discovery, the webinar covered further advantages of HuBiogel™, such as the ability for oncologists to ‘grow’ microtumors that are comparable to patient tumors.

One Million Solutions in Health is offering an opportunity to evaluate this innovative technology. Through an application process, biopharmaceutical companies can participate in a free trial to join the Technology Evaluation Consortium™ (TEC) and participate in this project. This opportunity to join the TEC, which brings together pharmaceutical companies and technology providers to evaluate and validate new technologies, is presented during the webinar. 

Raj Signh_Photo Presenter
Raj Singh, Ph.D.
President and CEO
Vivo Biosciences
Steven Schmid_Photo Presenter
Steven Schmid, Ph.D.
Chief Operations Officer
Vivo Biosciences
dawn Moderator
Dawn Van Dam
President and CEO
One Million Solutions in Health™


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