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  • 416-402-8274

Monthly Archives: September 2015

Groundbreaking Technology: Micro Biosensor Chip Capable of Simultaneously Detecting Multiple Biomarkers

Groundbreaking Technology: Micro Biosensor Chip Capable of Simultaneously Detecting Multiple Biomarkers  LIVE EVENT for EVERYONE (Scientists, Clinicians, Investors, Industry, Government) The recording will only be available for Technology Evaluation Consortium™ members. Are you a pharma or biotech industry member? The Signature Square program has been designed by the industry, for the industry. The Signature Square program

PEDIATRICIANS — Don’t Suffer. Get an EHR that Handles ICD-10 Seamlessly

PEDIATRICIANS — Don’t Suffer. Get an EHR that Handles ICD-10 Seamlessly: From the Chart — Straight to Billing — Never think about ICD-10 Any More!     This webinar has already taken place. However, you can watch a recording of it below. Originally aired on September 24th, 2015 With ICD-10 implementation labeled as the biggest undertaking